
As a multi-tasking sales leader, you spend the bulk of your time managing business details and resolving customer issues. Yet, in order to drive growth, the most important investment you can make is in the support and motivation of your reps.

Core Ai is designed to empower and enable every sales manager to become an effective coach and a catalyst for your team’s success.

The Technology

Seize Every Opportunity

With desktop and mobile access, CORE Ai enables you to routinely coach and engage with your sales team members – supporting them with individual feedback and input to help them achieve their sales goals, strengthen their skills and feel a sense of motivation and empowerment.

CORE Ai dashboard and session



Ten Tenets of Effective Leadership

February 8th, 2021|Categories: Leadership|Tags: , , |

In modern business culture, teams have no patience for the “I’m the boss — do what I say” egocentric leadership styles of the past. They also don’t respond to them. Not positively, anyway. Rather, successful leaders within organizations of all industries are breaking with outdated traditions and toxic habits, [...]

Creating a Coaching Culture: Better Results, Less Time.

February 12th, 2021|Categories: Coaching|Tags: , , , , |

An efficient coaching culture is integral to your business, and is achieved when leadership inspires purposeful, profitable professional growth amongst team members. And while the precise way to coaching faster, more strategically executed deal closings will vary from organization to organization-- we’ve identified core tenants which translate to any [...]

Top 3 Reasons Why Improvement Focused Feedback (IFF) Fails.

February 11th, 2021|Categories: Feedback|Tags: , , , |

At some point in our professional lives, most of us have found ourselves on one, or both sides, of feedback. When the feedback is great -- you know, the kind that’s full of praise and validation -- the person tasked to deliver and the recipient, come away feeling empowered [...]

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